More Chocolate, less Waste: Our Story with the Quito Food Bank (BAQ)
We live in a megadiverse country, surrounded by fertile land that abundantly provides us with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. We have so many products available that waste has become a habit. As a sad contrast, our beautiful country ranks second in chronic child malnutrition in the region. Those of us who know we will have food on our table tomorrow must act in favor of those who worry daily about accessing their next meal.

We can all contribute with small actions. We can become aware of how much we waste, plan our purchases with the help of a weekly menu, serve correct portions to avoid discarding what remains on the plate every day. Additionally, we can ask ourselves, what would I like others to do for me if I were the one who is hungry every day?

For three years now, República del Cacao and the Banco de Alimentos de Quito have been working as allies to save food and offer together, not only the joy associated with eating delicious chocolate but also the training and motivation to start micro-enterprises. This alliance has strengthened actions to be able to tell more than 90,000 residents of Quito, "we are here, and we are doing everything we can so that at least today, you have a plate of food".

- By Alicia Guevara, Founder BAQ