Cacao Talks: A space to share Ideas and Visions of Sustainable Development
Last week we presented the concept of conversation: «Cacao Talks». In this edition along with the Global Compact Ecuador and UN Women. The focus of the discussion was on the Principles of Female Empowerment (WEPs) promoted by UN Women.
The Principles for the Empowerment of Women are a set of good business practices that promote equality between women and men in all areas of management. This initiative promotes the creation of development opportunities for women within public and private companies, their participation in leadership and decision-making, equal remuneration for equality in work and generation of continuous training and professional development offers.
Lorena Barba, UN Women Ecuador Planning and Budget Officer with Gender Focus was the special guest of the event; presenting the 7 principles proposed to promote the implementation of best practices with a gender approach in the management of private companies. “Let’s think about equality, build with intelligence, innovate for change”, was one of the closing reflections mentioned in the presentation with the aim of making visible the opportunity to adopt policies and invest in the promotion of gender equality in organizations.
Ana Cristina Lapentty, Avon´s Legal and Government Affairs Manager, was invited to present the good practices that the company has had over the years with the leadership in the implementation of the Principles of Female Empowerment and the important return that this has meant. “Beauty is free when you feel empowered”, Ana Cristina shared in one of her interventions.
Likewise, the event had several organizations from the banking sector, cosmetics industry, fashion, social entrepreneurship, consultants, lawyers and chefs; who took advantage of the space to connect and share their vision towards the implementation of gender equity principles.
We also had special guests from our dairy allied community of Turucucho with whom we worked strengthening a vision of female leadership towards the implementation of shared value projects.